[2006] [
2004] [
8/11/06 Thanks to JoEllen for having another polski radio visit and playing a couple tracks from our upcoming album. Sit tight and
we'll have it out real soon.
8/5/06 Oh hey, MSO will be representing Polski on the air this coming wednesday courtesy of Jo-Ellen at WMFO @ 9:30
7/30/06 Big thanks to Ashdown for putting on a fun summer concert! Well, that was Polski's last show for
a while, but watch this space for info on our upcoming third album. Love & peace,
the polski boys
7/28/06 Great to see everybody last night at the Abbey, thanks for making our 50th special. We have one last engagement before
our extended time off, saturday night we are playing at Ashdown, the MIT grad dorm right on the corner of mem drive and mass ave. I think we go on at 8 or so?
7/27/06 Tonights the night, come out to the Abbey Lounge and get your polski fix while celebrating our 50th. Thats right,
Tonight we join the
half century club with our 50th gig. We take the stage at 9pm.
7/20/06 okay heres the skinny. Our last show out on the town will take place Thursday, July 27th at the Abbey Lounge at 9pm.
We are taking a breather for a while starting in August. No, No this is not the break up of Polski!
If this were a breakup, we would throw
around the apartment a bit, and then get drunk, and then make some bad decisions, and then call
you up at 3:34am. But thats not the case.
In fact, we are taking an extended vacation,
and leaving you with an album to mull over. So all is well,
help give our drummer ELK a good send-off next thursday, as he heads for sveden.
Not too long after that MSO will be in southern africa making solar engines, while JGO, as usual, will
still be holding down a real job.
The album
will be done very very soon, and we'll let you know how to get ahold of it.
By the time we get back into Beantown, we may even throw another album at you and then
it will all be like old times again.
6/25/06 boy its been raining a lot lately.
6/22/06 Tonight we're playing a quiet little set over at ye olde AllAsia, an olde favorite haunt of ours. In fact, this is almost the last chance you'll get to see
the polski boys in action, since we are taking a sabbatical to make some things happen on other continents starting this fall. But we promise to leave you a new album to mull over
in the meanwhile. For now its all about the summertime. We'll be grabbing a drink around 7, probably pick up our instruments around 8 or so, play til 930. Come on out, eh?
6/6/06 Hola Amigos! Polksi will be joining
25 Affair & friends this Saturday at 1pm for a show at ye olde
Middle East Downstairs .
Duck into the shade for an extended, all ages polski extravaganza.
5/20/06 Hey folks, the wheels of change are turning. MSO shakes hands with the Wolf, ELK graduates, JGO upgrades the studio. Thanks for all who
came out to see us at TTs. Look for us this summer playing some laid back shows and releasing our 3rd Album. Fear not the change.
This thursday night its Polski and friends at TT's in central square. This is what we like to call "the big spring show".
It involves rock music and relaxation in a chill, ambient setting where drinking is permitted for those of you over 21. We hope to see you there, because its been a while.
I know I know, we've been busy too. Thats life these days. But hey, lets just all take a break for a few hours, and put off all that other stuff, and have a good time. Dont say you dont deserve it.
4/11/06 Hey check out the front page of the Tech today! Its MSO blasting through the solo on Budahop. Thanks for all the cheering at the BOTB saturday, and thanks to ZBT for putting on a good show - a good time
was had by all. Be on alert for Polski's next show at TT the Bears place May 4rth, with a suite of sweet bands. Check out the shows page for info.
4/8/06 Tonight its the annual MIT Battle of the Bands! Come watch how the 'Tute stacks up against Boston's best.
3/23/06 Perhaps you've been wondering: where has polski been lately? The truth, secret until now, is that
we rented a house on Emerald Isle and tracked our third album. I'm not even kidding you, we threw the gear in a U-haul, drove for 18 hours,
and did the thing, and some other fun stuff like fishing (with dynamite), fires on the beach, and consumption of a refrigerator full of beer.
Soon all will be revealed. Until then, look for us at the MIT BOTB on April 8th.
After a brief hiatus to build some solar energy infrastructure in Lesotho, Polski is back on the scene.
We are hurling headlong into some shows this spring, and working out
the blueprints of album numero tres. Stay tuned for more technology news and shows!
1/30/06 Welcome to the oh six! Things
have been quiet, but the polski boys have been busy. Recording arrangements have
been booked and down payment paid. Be listening for mixes at the end of march.
There will hopefully be a cambridge gig in february, and maybe even a canadia show at some point.
[2006] [
2004] [